The center has 185 professional pharmacy technicians majoring in pharmaceutical preparations, drug analysis, drug synthesis, and clinical medicine, among which are 10 Ph.D. students, 95 masters, and 71 undergraduates, forming a talent hierarchy. The R&D building has an area of 10,332 square meters and boasts 5 clean test areas, which is equipped with various high-end inspection equipment such as LCMS and HPLC. The equipment level and test conditions are among the leading pharmaceutical companies in the province.

The center actively promotes the company's R&D model innovation and establishes a variety of innovation platforms with well-known research institutes at home and abroad to attract more qualified pharmaceutical and medical experts to participate in technological innovation activities.

In 2016, the company accelerated the implementation of its internationalization strategy and established a R&D center in St. Louis, USA, establishing R&D status at the international frontier in this field.

The pharmaceutical research institute began preparation work in 2017 and is currently under construction.